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Friday, November 11, 2005

AZOTUSLAND chapter Forty Five

(Published by Jim Darnell for the Azotus Cafe. copyright 2005)

Faith, Hope and Love...these three abide but the greatest of these is Love" ~St. Paul

Despite impressive technological and medical advances, the utopian goals of the Enlightenment failed. The grand experiment where humanity shook off the fetters of religion and took up the reigns of existence only resulted in advanced bloodshed, world wars, the A bomb, and now terrorism. What started with such loud promise at the storming of the Bastille, finally died with a whimper two centuries later with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

So now nationalistic religion has tried to reclaim humanity and creation in the wake of this failure in a near Constantinian/Moorish Crusade-way. Power, hate, judgment, intolerance, war and rumors of more wars.

I am so tired of the "Human Schtick". We suck.

My Friend's Question
My friend Maugham asked a good, if not slightly unfair question. This is also in the nature of relationship and love and connection. It's not always fair but we have some choices within the situation.

Maugham wonders if my Christian faith makes me intolerant. I cringe to even admit the implied association because that is what the word "Christian" has come to mean to many...intolerance, harsh judgement, power, greed, surety and an arrogance that God is "on our side".

Of course, Maugham knows better from experience, but I would assert that my belief makes me more tolerant, not less and that is at the heart of all that Azotus is. I love the diversity and freedom that exists here. God loves freedom, love and probably good coffee and food.

The Modernist model of competition and propositional/rationalistic argument has given way to a rebellion. Bout time cuz Enlightenment philosophy resulted in the bloodiest century in human history when it promised to issue in the most enlightened and safe one.

Light and safety my ass!

Einstein said,

"Imagination is more powerful than knowledge," and;

"Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

I was prepared to try and deliver a new model based on relevance and relevance when I started here, and in a non-competitive way that was open, academic, and inclusive.

But I realize now that if we cannot do it within a simple cafe where all people and their views are heard and respected in safety that it does not matter.

No we have to just do it here first as people in community. We have to make Azotus a non-utopian model...just a simple human one.

To that end I give you one possible flawed as we are as human beings and therefore a perfect match.

"Depth Pluralism" simply means we do not make dead knowledge or current ideology the rule of day in it's rigidity.

Under Modernity every philosophy or school of thought was inherently competitive. Why? How simple, clear or imaginative is that? It's overly complex, artificial in it's dichotomies and devoid of vision.

Under Modernity every religious tradition or form of spirituality was reduced to it's lowest common denominator. We were always in control....Modernity..Rationalism in all it's arrogance. But we are NOT in control. Not even close. And we need to let the LIGHT of these traditions...all of them shine in their own light.

Some will not shine at all. Fundamentalism, in all its forms, will never shine as it is a darkness easily recognized. But let it be what it is. Let Christianity be what it is in itself and not be co-opted by the charlatans and religious. Read the Word yourself and make up your own mind and heart. You'll be, perhaps, wonderfully and sweetly shocked.

When my Zen Buddhist brother and I agree and find connection we do. When we find great distinction we are honest about that to the same degree. We value truth and honesty and relationship.

Truth in vibrancy is found in unrepressed and un-diluted expression of the fullness of each tradition.

We all wish to be heard, but can we also learn to listen as an act of active and living faith, hope and love?

That is Depth PLuralism and the answer to brave Maugham's question as best I can give.

I look forward to Blog questions.



Blogger tabitha jane said...

i don't know what to say but i love this conversation and would love to be a part of it!

November 14, 2005 2:28 PM  

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