Currently at 90,000 words, 215 typewritten pages, and almost done.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Artist, writer, visionary and head of Azotus Consulting and

Sunday, November 13, 2005

AZOTUSLAND chapter Forty Seven

Jacob wasn't pleased when he heard rumors about Jim and Ked Woman, but the fact was there was nothing really going on.

Delphia sensed Jim's introversion might be more than that, and she just found him too restrained and emotionally unavailable for what she truly needed. She had slept next to him on a number of occasions but they did not make love, have sex or even kiss.

There relationship was simply a mystery, but a happy one.

Jim brightened whenever Delphia was about. She exuded a health, vitality and beauty that she herself could not recognize, but most everyone else did. So when Delphia was about she and Jim would play like lovers and she felt utterly free to be herself with him.

That Saturday morning Jim was on break and talking with Ted. Well, perhaps it was more of an intense discussion. As usual, Ted was doing most of the talking, while at the same time being evasive when asked a direct question by Jim. Delphia walked in, saw them and quickly surmised. She marched over, plopped down next to Jim and put both of her Keds up on his lap as Ted tried to finish saying,"without propositional Truth life has no meaning, function or form. You would leave us in randomness."

Jim looked down in his lap and smiled over at Delphia.

"Hi sweetie," he grinned. "You look ravishing."

"Care ta ravish me?" she replied sweet and suggestive.

"And that's another thing Jim," Ted said tersely. "You call yourself a 'Christian' yet you cavort with women!"

"Cavort does not sound as fun as being ravished," she said to Ted, who ignored her.

"Actually Del, cavorting is a lot of fun. We should try it sometime," Jim said to her then turned to Ted. "Do you even know what covort means Ted?"

"It means to have elicit non-monogamous relations," Ted said.

"No Ted. It means to dance around brightly in the light of day. It's like 'frolicking'. Delphia, would you care to come with me this afternoon to the garden and frolick in the sun?"

"Oh yes sweetie!!" she cried out, clapping her hands to mock Ted.

"And to answer your query Ted," he said turning more serious, "I do not call myself a 'Christian'. You do. But certainly you have captured the original intent."

"Intent? What intent?" asked Ted.

"Derision Ted," Jim said matter-of-factly. "The word is only cited once in the Bible, and it was meant as an insult."

"Cavort with that," Delphia said to the ignoring Ted.

"Oh that's not true," scowled Ted, but he was unsure so he changed the subject.

"What about my paper Jim? How come you haven't responded?"

"Well Ted I've been a little busy trying to run Azotus lately."

"And the cavorting," Delphia smiled brightly.

Just then Manfred walked by and added "And havings cars blow up into tiny bits all about the lot!"

"Thank you Manfred," Jim said smiling at Ted. "But I can give you some feedback now if you like."

"First of all, I appreciate that you took the time to write it. I welcome diverging opinions and of all of the opinions I have heard that is certainly one of them."

"So you are saying 'why don't we just agree to disagree'." said Ted.

"No. We both know that can't be said about a lot of things. I am saying that your presentation of rational propositional truth is very helpful to an extent, but has severe limitations, and like all human philosophies is itself caught in time and situation."

"Situational ethics?" Ted said feigning further knowledge on the subject.

"No, simply that philosophy, like politics, is generated in context...within it's own time and situation," Jim said.

As he said this Delphia had removed her shoes from his lap and was now rubbing Jim calf with her left foot suggestively.

"Your approach Ted," Jim said without any hint of derision, "is just one interpetive grid placed over experience. In your case it is a capitulation to Modernity and Rationalism...really just a reaction to it. You have tried to 'prove" a faith that is unproveable and apparently was meant to be at the very core."

"But you use to be an apologist, how can you say that now?"

"He apologizes for that," Delphia chimed in. Just then Hans walked over and said "I have rearranged ze Gallery Jim und it is now perfuckt."

"Thanks Hans. You are doing a marvelous job."

With that Hans clicked his heels together and marched off.

"Didn't the guy do that in the movie the other night?" Delphia asked.

"Yes," Jim said. "Very 'Old School'." he smiled, then turned back to Ted and proceeded.


Andy, down in the IC was perturbed. He felt, well, lonely and unappreciated. It had been a month since Jim had come down and spent an hour with him conversing. The only regualr visotr on staff was Maugham and he just made fun of him. He went in the back and took a look at his plants and they were thriving and almost ready. That made him feel slightly better. Then Mrs. Stahlnakin came in for her Internet lesson and he tried to help her.


Maurice was at Rev. Tanka's side when he regained consciousness and he went to fetch the nurse. Tanka was touched by this and when they removed the oxygen mask he took only a minute to compose himself before asking for Maurice to get him a "smokie".


Roo was having problems with the plumbing in the "kitchen area" just off the Big Room. It was antiquated and now she and others would have to shut down the machine and do dishes by hand. She sighed heavily and decided Jim needed to give her a big raise and make some changes.


Maugham had taken the equipment back to Deeks and gotten some of his own. The question of motive and opportunity kept clicking in his mind. He had no answers and it pissed him off.

When he returned he walked up the steps and decided to check his emails in the IC.

"Hi Troll," he said when he came in. Andy grunted and went into the back.

Then up in the Library a discussion group was starting, led by a former Republican senator, Avery Dixon, on the true nature of Conservatism. As it was Marin, it was not well attended, but the discussion was lively and informative.


Blogger tabitha jane said...

andy, humn?
he certaintly might have motive. maybe he used his plants to poison the rev?

November 14, 2005 2:47 PM  

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